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soil index中文是什么意思

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  • 土壤指数


  • In the analyses on the reliability in geotechnical engineering , the principle problem is to decide the probabilistic characteristics of soil indexes
  • In this paper , the research advance in diagnosis of crop water deficit is summarized from the aspects of soil index , meteorology index and crop index , the advantages and disadvantages of different methods are discussed , and the problems faced in the study application are also analyzed
  • 2 . the results showed that the contents of cach - extractable soil p , and soil test phosphorus ( olsen , bray , mehlich - 3 ) and algae - available p contents ( naoh - extractable soil p ) in the soils correlated significantly with the contents of ortho - p , particulate p and bioavailable p in runoff , respectively , which were feasible to be used as primary indices to evaluate of agriculture p impacting on surface water quality . the results also showed that the relationships between the phosphorus sorption of soil index ( psi ) , and the degree of soil saturation with phosphorus ( dpss ) and the contents of ortho - p , particulate p and bioavailable p in runoff reached significant level , respectively
    黄壤旱地土壤易解吸磷( cacl _ 2 - p ) 、土壤有效磷( olsen - p 、 bray - p 、 mehlich - 3 - p )或藻类可以利用的土壤磷( naoh - p )与地表径流中颗粒态磷、生物有效性磷和磷酸根态磷之间均存在显著的相关性,在一定的程度上可用cacl _ 2 - p 、 olsen - p作为指示黄壤旱地地表径流中磷潜在流失的预警指标,来判断旱地存在磷素非点源污染的可能性。
  • Then displacement fields are researched via the finite element model that accords with actual process of jacked pile . and the effects of displacement fields caused by difference modulus ratio , friction between pile and soil , possion ration of soil and soil index of c and are put forward
用"soil index"造句  
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